Monday, February 23, 2004

trudyemo - "All in all, today really wasn't that bad of a day. I mean, I'm sitting here at my computer, with my hair in a bun, and my pencil shoved through it for safekeeping purposes, and I don't want to kill anyone, so that's a plus right?"

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Chicago OK with Gay - "You have to point out the strength of this community, your doctors, your lawyers, your journalists," Mayor Daley said. "They have adopted children. To me, we have to understand this is part and parcel of our families and extended families."

Other voices in major cities are starting to speak up about their belief in equal rights as well. Too little too late? Ohio recently became the 38th state to legally define marriage as "between a man and a woman."
New Mexico - Why the hell not..?!? - Some more homos got hitched in Sandoval County, N. M., on Friday after the county clerk, in a moment of clarity, determined that state law did not prohibit it. They stopped granting licenses later that day when the state's attorney general issued a statement saying the licenses were "invalid under state law."

Nice try, though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Justly Married - On February 12, San Francisco started performing same-sex marriages in City Hall. Photographer Derek Powazek was there and captured the moment with this lovely photo series. I was up in SF visiting someone special this past Valentines weekend and witnessed a line out the door of City Hall and down the block. It was an amazing backdrop to my own adventures in romance, to say the least.

Monday, February 16, 2004

funny monkey cartoons are stooopid.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

A special song for every girl and her Gay Boyfriend

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

BOSTON - The Massachusetts high court ruled today that only full, equal marriage rights for gay couples — rather than civil unions — would be constitutional, erasing any doubts that same-sex marriages could take place in the state beginning in mid-May.

Monday, February 02, 2004

It figures the year I finally give up on the super-bowl half-time show and don't watch, something good happens.

There was mixed reaction from the crowd when Janet's
right breast, seen here fitted with it's own microphone, sang
the rest of the duet with Justin Timberlake during the half-time sbow.